Prerequisites: Pranic Healing Level 1 and Advanced Pranic Healing Level 2

Learn to alleviate and treat emotional, mental and psychological disorders in a simple, easy to follow format. Learn healing techniques for conditions including: stress, worry & anxiety, phobia, trauma and more.

Principles and methods to identify, cleanse and disintegrate psychic energies and influences in the energy field that cause stress, irritability, anxiety, grief, hysteria, phobias, obsessions, compulsions, addictions, depression, violence, paranoia and other psychological problems.

You will learn advanced energetic extraction techniques so phobias, compulsions and addictions can be alleviated in a very short time.

You will learn to:

  • Perform self-healing for tension, irritability, grief and anxiety.

  • Techniques to repair damaged or cracked protective webs in the charkas to prevent future intrusions.

  • How to remove negative programming acquired during childhood that could be holding you back from success.

  • Heal the effects of psychic attacks that can cause anxiety attacks, irritability, bad luck or even financial ruin.

  • Shield the chakras and aura to protect against negative influences.

  • Remove the negative influences (e.g., envy, jealousy, anger, etc.) of other people around you.

  • Extract and disintegrate negative energies and patterns of such problems as compulsive behaviors, phobias, addictions to smoking, alcohol, drugs, food and sugar, and even depression.

  • Use healing by affirmation for psychological ailments

  • Techniques for decontamination of the healer, objects and environment.