Changing lives, one person at a time.
Every Thursday, you can find many people gathered at the Oahu Pranic Healing Center for the free Community Healing Clinic.
All are welcome at the Pranic Healing Center located in Kailua. Some people stop by for one evening, others attend each week. No matter the frequency, several trained healers are gathered to serve those looking for assistance with their needs. The Clinic helps with a wide range of physical or emotional issues, including stress, back pain, burns and more.
The Mali’o Foundation provides financial support and sponsorship of these Healing Clinics, helping to keep the doors open and serving the community.
The free healing clinic at the Oahu Pranic Healing Center. Pranic Healing is a non-touch energy healing modality, which can be received while comfortably seated.
Amazing results from attendance at the free community Healing Clinics.
Interviewer: How has Pranic Healing helped you?
W: Well, I suffered from a lot of neck and head pain which was lasting almost 24/7 and made it very hard for me to concentrate, day and night. And through the Pranic Healing, it really lessened the pain level and the stress level and ability for me to think clearly. It's such a tremendous difference. It took some time, but the injury was so.. I feel so severe. I'm so thankful that Pranic Healing was able to help me and now I'm able to sleep better and function better. And prior to that it was just a struggle every day.
Interviewer: What was your pain level (on a scale of 1 - 10) before coming here?
W: Like 11 or 12? It was just so painful. It made me feel... feel like death
Interviewer: And what is the pain level today?
W: Now the pain level is probably 1 or 2 and so now I can function and think clearly and rest through the night easier compared to when I first started.