

Pranic Healing Level 1

Learn foundational energetic and healing techniques to effect immediate change in your life. Learn healing techniques, self-healing, distant healing. LEARN MORE

Advanced Pranic Healing Level 2

Learn the qualities & frequencies of energy and the effect they have on the body. The course teaches the most advanced methodology in color energy healing using not only mere colored prana but applying the right proportion, sequence, color combination and degree of hue. Learn healing techniques for conditions including: arthritis, digestive issues/IBS, mental fatigue/brain fog, menstrual discomfort and more. LEARN MORE

Pranic Psychotherapy Level 3

Learn to alleviate and treat emotional, mental and psychological disorders in a simple, easy to follow format. Learn healing techniques for conditions including: stress, worry & anxiety, phobia, trauma and more. LEARN MORE

Crystal Pranic Healing Level 4

Learn to harness the power of one of Mother Earth's precious gifts: crystals and gem stones. Use crystals to enhance your healing ability, spirituality and prosperity. LEARN MORE

Pranic Psychic Self Defense Level 5

Learn scientific ways of utilizing pranic energies to properly protect yourself, your belongings, surroundings and love ones.



Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul

Learn priceless techniques for experiencing the Union of your incarnated soul with your Higher Soul. LEARN MORE

Arhatic Yoga

Arhatic Yoga is called the “yoga of synthesis”. Many forms of yoga exist. Arhatic Yoga combines, or synthesizes, these different yogas into one powerful practice. It is the path of the intellect, willpower and the heart. It is a modern version of powerful ancient techniques used to achieve glimpses of illumination and expansion of consciousness.



Spiritual Business Management

A revolutionary approach for the success and financial prosperity of businesses. By using energy and spiritual laws, the realization of plans and projects and overall implementation of labor relations can be made easier.

Pranic Feng Sui

The course teaches the principles and concepts of the ancient art of design and placement, in relation to the flow of energy, to create an environment that attracts good luck, good health and good fortune. Esoteric Feng Shui is simple, practical, and easy to use.


Kriyashakti – The Science and Art of Prosperity and Success - teaches ways to create and materialize energy thoughtforms for prosperity, material and financial success. The secrets and formula to materialize goals and concretize short and long term plans are taught and students experiment with these techniques to test their effectiveness for themselves.